Help Provide N95 Mask Decontamination Units to Keep Our First Responders Safe

Please consider donating today to help fund critical N95 mask decontamination units for our first responders, who are working harder than ever, fully dedicated to providing the emergency services desperately needed in our community right now.

The N95 respirator mask is one of the most important protections for keeping first responders protected against COVID-19. Every trip made by these key personnel requires fresh, clean N95 masks. Currently, firefighters and paramedics in King County use approximately 8,000 of the high-demand masks per week. 

To date, 25 units have been distributed to fire departments throughout King County, and we urgently need to fund additional units. The cost to produce each unit is $2,700.


Make a Gift

To help us purchase this much-needed equipment, please complete the donation form below—your gift is greatly appreciated!