Available Research Grants
- General Research Fund | Grant Range: $5,000-$50,000
Provides seed money for pilot studies related to out-of-hospital emergency medical care. - Hunter Simpson Fund for Research & Development | Grant Range: $25,000-$150,000
Provides funding for the research of new devices or new applications of existing devices for out-of-hospital emergency medical care.
Research Grant Guidelines
Areas of Interest
There are no restrictions in the areas of interest listed below. However, preference will be given to novel approaches, including the development of pilot studies.
- Emergency medical services
- Sudden cardiac arrest
- Prevention of sudden cardiac death
- First Responders’ Behavioral Health Initiatives
Geographic Eligibility
Grants are limited to projects conducted within Washington State.
Submission Requirements
All applicants are required to submit a Letter of Intent (LOI). After review of the LOI, the Medic One Foundation may invite a full application. The LOI must be submitted as an electronic Word (or PDF) document—no longer than two pages, with margins of at least 1 inch on all sides. The text portion must be in 12 point, Times New Roman font, with 1.0 line spacing. The LOI must contain all of the following in the order listed below.
Principal Investigator Information
- Name of organization
- Title of project
- Principal Investigator/Co-PI(s)
- Contact information
- Fund applied for (General Research Fund or Hunter Simpson Research Fund)
- Specific amount requested
- Duration of project
Project Description
- Statement of specific research question
- Specific research aims (please limit to brief bullet points)
- Scientific rational and background, including a brief description of preliminary data
- Brief description of research design and methods
- Specific, measurable, and relevant objectives
- A statement on how the project is relevant to the Medic One Foundation’s mission
- The principal investigator must be affiliated with a non-profit organization or public/governmental institution that is willing to serve as the administering organization if the grant is awarded. All awards will be made to the institution as MOF does not directly fund individuals or companies through its grant programs.
- The principal investigator must demonstrate that adequate time will be devoted to ensuring successful completion of the proposed project.
- Awards are not intended to supplement or duplicate currently funded work.
- Priority is given to applicants within Washington State.
Deadline for Letter of Intent (LOI)
June 1, 2025
Submission Information
Email LOI to the attention of Kim Martin, Executive Director, Medic One Foundation at kim@mediconefoundation.org.